About Me

About Me

My name is Tara. In the last year or so, I have really learned a lot about myself (and a little bit about the world). My wanderlust has kicked into overdrive, and I am starting off on some epic adventures. In February, I will be hitting the road with my pack and high hopes to work/bum my way around Europe until I hit a dead end or get settled into a good job somewhere (not too soon, though!). I am on a mission to meet cool people, dig into other cultures, pay it forward, learn some life lessons, and have some adventures! I am really looking forward to sharing my experiences and a bit of myself with you all. 

I am not your typical traveler, and this is not your typical travel blog. Of course there will be tips, must-see places, how-tos and place/product reviews. But I want to share more than that with you: I want to share some inspiration to encourage people to travel, travel differently, or maybe just embrace life and take a chance on something great. I hope that my stories and mistakes can help you find a way to make your travel dreams happen, or at least help you avoid some of the bumps in the road that have knocked me on my ass. 

How You Can Help

I am always looking for work, so if you have some (or know of someone who may), please let me know! I am happy to help with random projects, do any type of farm or service work, or do some freelance writing. Really, pretty much any short-term jobs one could think of. Or, if you are reading my blog and I am in your city, a bed and/or a meal (or a drink!) would be greatly appreciated! 

Also: sharing is caring! If you enjoy my blog, please tell others that may be interested and share some links on Facebook or other social media sites. Comments, feedback, and post suggestions are always welcome!

If you enjoy my stories, please like my Facebook Page and follow me here on Twitter

How Can I Help You?

If I am in your city (or you are a traveler and in the same city as I am) and you can think of something I can do to help you or someone you know, let me know! I don't have much to give, but I have time and maybe some advice or friends that could help you.

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